NECA: CLAPTRAP Talks About His Upcoming Action Figure

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    CLAPTRAP Talks About His Upcoming Action Figure

    First look at NECA's Borderlands bot...

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    When it comes to non-stop action, the explosive world of Borderlands delivers in spades. Watching TCH2 Caustic Rifle rounds desolve a bandit goon or seeing a mutant midget fry from a carefully aimed DVL 450 C Lightning Sniper headshot NEVER gets old. However, there is much more to Gearbox's hit video game than a bazillion bullets and guns. Borderlands also packs in the laughs, thanks largely to the CL4P-TP General Purpose Robot, aka Claptrap. With his zany banter and smooth moves, Claptrap is the life of the Borderlands party. He's also a writer, director, actor, producer, and interplanetary ninja assassin, and come this fall, the subject of an exciting new action figure from NECA.

    "Hey, check me out everybody! I'm dancin', I'm dancin'!"

    Having wrapped his third Borderlands DLC - The Secret Armory of General Knoxx - we caught up with Claptrap for a quick Q & A to discuss fame, breakdancing, and most importantly, his upcoming collectible. Read on...

    FIGURES.COM: Borderlands turned you into an overnight sensation. How are you handling the new-found fame?

    CLAPTRAP: What does being famous really mean anyway? Sure, Lady GaGa does my laundry on Tuesdays but only because that's J. Lo's day off. Am I better than regular people? Sure, but that's true for ALL celebrities. Listen, fame has its perks but I refuse to let it change who I am... on the inside. I'm still the same lovable robot I was before my breakout role in Borderlands. So what if I enjoy shoulder rides from Matt Damon every now and then...
    You exhibit some mad b-boying (b-boting?) skills in Borderlands. Which movie moves you the most: Breakin' or Breakin' 2: Electric Boogaloo?

    Ha! Seriously, who told you to ask me about this? Heheh... man, this really takes me back:

    1984. Stylin' in my red Bugle Boy parachute pants and high-top Kaepa tires. It was there on the set when Ice-T and I first met. He showed me some smoove pop 'n lock moves and I dem'd him how to throw down some friggity-fresh rhymes. Back then we were both tryin' to fake it till we'd make it. Well he got his big break with that movie and I ended up makin' it all the way to the cutting room floor. But don't feel bad for Ice, I hear he's doin' a'ight these days... and playin' Borderlands. Fo' realz, yo*.

    [*NOTE: Ice-T really is a Borderlands fan.]
    Speaking of articulation, toy company NECA is producing a Claptrap action figure. What's the best part about having your own collectible?

    You mean besides having a constant reminder of just how ridiculously good-looking I am?! Is it terrible that I want to make out with NECA's prototype? Hey I’m not talking about sex here... maybe just some dry humping. But seriously folks, it looks *that* good.

    The other great thing will be leaving it on night stands as I ready up to sneak out the door...

    Other than the two obvious reasons I just stated, it'll be nice that all my fans will be able to have me on their shelf staring back at them as they play the game. We're through the looking glass, people!!
    We're told that the Claptrap action figure even talks! Can fans expect to hear any of your def beatboxing?

    Who am I to refuse the wants and desires of my adoring fans? Never in a thousand years could I be that cruel!! But alas, it will be nigh-impossible to include ALL my best lines because there are just too many to choose from. So, I guess I am despicable after all... cruel because there's only so much I can give. <sigh>
    You've been shot and brutally beat - multiple times - by bandit thugs in Borderlands. Does the thought of kids playing rough with your action figure bother you?

    Yes, in the game I get beaten by bandit thugs and midgets. And midgets are just shorter, cuter versions of kids, am I right? So don't worry, children, you can't cause any harm unless you put me in your mouth and choke on it. Since we're on the topic, all the pretty ladies should know I'm required by law to have a Choking Hazard warning on my "package". I'm just sayin'...
    You have a hit game and an action figure on the way. What's next for Claptrap? Borderlands the musical?

    Oh, I've been fielding various offers, as they've been pouring in, but everything in front of me seems like typecasting - mechanical buddy, robot sidekick, homicidal cyborg - I've got so much more to offer! I've got range*! I'm even thinking of doing a little off-Broadway for a few weeks... word is Wicked needs a new Tin Man. But all that is secondary to the next game, Borderlands II: The Legend of Claptrap's Gold. At least that's what I'm calling it for now.

    [*NOTE: Fans can see an example of Claptrap's incredible acting skills HERE.]

    "Unce! Unce! Unce! Unce! Ooo, oh check me out. Unce! Unce! Unce! Unce! Oh, come on get down."

    Sounds like Claptrap has a bright future ahead of him and we wish him the best of luck! Someone else staying busy is NECA whose Claptrap action figure is nearing completion. Pictured is an exclusive first look at the figure about 50% done which NECA aims to have out late summer/ early fall 2010. Because the figure is still early in development, NECA stresses that the following information is still very tentative and subject to change. The goal is to have the Claptrap figure stand approximately 4.5 inches tall and to include a display base to pose him on. The figure will feature a wide range of articulation to recreate Claptrap's in-game movement, including fully articulated arms, antenna, working shocks, and a wheel that can roll and pivot. NECA also plans to incorporate sound, some from the game and perhaps some created just for the figure. An SRP of $13.99-$14.99 is expected.

    Special Thanks:
    * David Eddings - Voice of Claptrap,VP Business Development & Licensing at Gearbox Software
    * Randy Falk - Director of Product Development at NECA

    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

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Name:	Claptrap1.jpg 
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Size:	171.9 KB 
ID:	4959  

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