Unimax-Toys GAMESTARs: Ghost Recon: Future Soldier [Archive] - Figures.com Forums

Unimax-Toys GAMESTARs: Ghost Recon: Future Soldier

07-07-2011, 03:35 AM
So, Unimax Toys have the Ubisoft, GR:FS license.
In 2010, Ghost Recon: Future Soldier was the NEW UBI game.
Now 2011, GR: FS has changed.
The Ghosts costumes are different:

E3 2010:
E3 2011:

07-08-2011, 01:12 AM
we havent heard from Unimax since the crysis figures. it would be nice to see some prototypes sometime soon

07-27-2011, 04:05 PM
Check out their Assassin's creed figures I think They are actually doing something right. However I'm not a fan of the tough economic time GI joe for 10 dollars thing :/