Square Enix - Halo 4 Debacle [Archive] - Figures.com Forums

Square Enix - Halo 4 Debacle

08-14-2012, 01:31 PM
I just saw pix from the Comic Con where Square Enix was showing their Halo 4 line up or at least they had the Master Chief and the Blue Spartan from the first wave of McFarlane Halo 4 figures.

Both McFarlane and now Square Enix have the figure wrong.

Am I the only one who says the shoulder pads are wrong and sit too low on the arms as compared to in-game models.

I have watched and looked over all the available material and not one shows the amount of black shoulder as these figures do.

How can this be happening, that the people in charge of this cannot see this.

I really wish I could ask the person green lighting these things to be made. It makes me not even want them.

08-15-2012, 02:56 PM
Ok so I finally got a second to snag these photos. I have done this with the McFarlane figure as well. It is a clear screw up. Anyone serious about the collectibles they buy should be somewhat puzzled and/or concerned about this especially when it gets made into $50+ things.

What if they only make one big statue that has lights and all and this is how it is made. Why would you spend $400 for something clearly wrong.

The only way this is not wrong is if all the video and screenshots are wrong.

I made 3 color lines to compare the difference of the markers that I use to justify my attitude toward this figure development.

The BLUE LINE shows that in the game his shoulder pad is clearly aligned with the top breast plate directly above a little storage compartment while on the Square Enix is no where near the should plate.

The GREEN LINE shows that the Square Enix's Should Pad lines up with the bottom chest plate or you could say the top of the stamch plate.

The RED LINE shows the bottom of the Shoulder Plate on the Square Enix is aligned with the top of his waist plate yet on the in game figure it lines up with the bottom of his Stomach Plate.

This applies to the McFarlane Figure as well.

I also took into consideration that the pose is a little different but remember I have looked at every available photo from 343 of the Master CHief and it is not the same.

I know Square Enix has a sleeker look but this is not part of their style it is clearly wrong.

I am just a huge fan and of course as with these things there is never anyone to ask why. These companies obviously make it very difficult for even legitimate questions to be answered.

http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8281/7790381254_d1cab0e204_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/71110779@N07/7790381254/)
MC-Halo-4-Comparisons (http://www.flickr.com/photos/71110779@N07/7790381254/) by Phastroh1 (http://www.flickr.com/people/71110779@N07/), on Flickr