70s & 80s Action Figure Guide, Forum & Store! [Archive] - Figures.com Forums

70s & 80s Action Figure Guide, Forum & Store!

04-27-2013, 12:13 AM
I noticed their isn't much talk about vintage figure lines here, so I wanted to post for anyone who collects older 70s & 80s lines the link to my website Action Figure Archive (http://www.action-figures.ca) which is a loose figure guide for 70s & 80s figure lines. Some of you may have been on the site before but for those of you who have not, take a look around and LMK what you think!

The guide section of the site has been on a bit of a hiatus over the last few years (other than the addition of the AWA Remco page) due to my wife and I taking the time to raise our two kids, but I hope to get back into the swing of things and start adding new lines soon.

Also if you want to do further research, checkout the site forum at Action Figure Archive Forums - Discuss, buy, sell & trade vintage 70s & 80s figure lines - Home (http://actionfiguresca.proboards.com/) Lots of info and pics on almost every older line you can think of as well as collection pics, a marketplace, ID section and lots of other goodness for those who sign up as members!

Finally if your looking to buy any vintage lines, checkout the store section at Action Figure Archive - Vintage 70s & 80s Action Figure Store (http://www.action-figures.ca/catalog/)

Just thought I would pass the info along to any fellow vintage figure collectors out their!