New Owners For [Archive] - Forums

New Owners For

01-30-2018, 01:34 PM has been sold to VerticalScope.

In the short term, there will be no changes to the site. Jeff and his team will continue to report and edit the news. They will be bringing you all the news from Toy Fair in a few weeks. Jim will continue to represent for advertising and marketing.

Over time, VS is looking to bring new features and services to the site and to the community. There will be more announcements about that down the road.

Welcome, VerticalScope!

01-30-2018, 02:02 PM
Hello everyone,

My name is Li, I am a community manager for Verticalscope Inc, I work with a small team that will continue to manage the webmaster duties for

We are here to help primarily with the technical end of things and help make the jobs of the current Mods/Admins easier. I posted a real basic run down to answer common questions below. If you have more questions or concerns please feel free to post them in response.

What are our intentions?

We bring reliability, support and the infrastructure needed to ensure that the community will continue to be around for years to come. It’s our goal to work with the mod/admin team to help provide the resources and required work to give this community a broader reach, to attract new members, and to better the overall knowledge shared in the community.

Will leadership change?

Continuity is the focus here, YOU as the membership work very hard to keep building this community while your mod/admin team keep the walls and the roof up in this place; we are primarily here to make sure the lights stay on. Every community is unique and should always be respected in that regard. You all have established your own unique rules and regulations and a strong reputation that is carried by all of this. For us it’s paramount to maintain this level of integrity and enthusiasm.

What am I here for?

Our primary role is to be the technical contact; you all contributed to building the strong foundation the site was built on. Moving forward we will all work together to keep the momentum and the community growing. We will be on the forum checking in daily to make sure regular maintenance is taken care of and keeping things running smoothly from behind the scenes. We will also be setting up a help desk on the site for when you have questions or issues with the site or your account and need assistance.

Looking forward to working with you all.

