New Smartphone View on the Site [Archive] - Forums

New Smartphone View on the Site

02-21-2018, 12:12 PM

FYI, we will be putting live a new smartphone view Today! This is NOT an app it will NOT replace Tapatalk.

The new mobile view does have standard moderator level functionality and is made so that members can post, reply, and so forth. It’s now formatted better to fit your device so no pinching and zooming required.

If you decide it’s not for you; you may exit the mobile view using the top level menu. The menu button is three horizontal lines in the top left on screen (also known as the hamburger button*). To go to desktop view pick the "Exit Enhanced Mobile Mode" option. Your browser will then remember not to use the mobile view of the site. To go back to mobile you will need to clear your browser cache.

The new view does support image uploading directly from your phone. Thread navigation will infinatly scroll and is optimized to look really slick on mobile devices.

A few notes:

* This does not replace the free or paid in-apps that you have, such as any mobile app. This is web-only.
* This new skin will only show when you access the site from a modern (Android 4+, iPhone) phone. It will not show for older phones or for tablets, blackberries or windows phones

Thanks in advance and hope you enjoy the new feature.


05-12-2023, 07:37 AM
The new smartphone view is an excellent step from your side, and after this step, everyone can easily upload images directly from their phone, and I think the Mobile view is one of the best web design services for small business (
from any valuable custom web design company (