Custom Commissions [Archive] - Forums

Custom Commissions

12-11-2008, 09:36 AM

I am looking for someone to run a custom figures section on my website. You will be given your own section to run and add content too, this will include a "sales page" where you will be able to take orders for commissions.

I've already had a few enquiries hence the post.

If you already have a site and are interested please contact me.

If you are interested but don't have a site don't worry. You can have as many pages etc as you require on my site.

I will require samples of your work and any "testimonials" you may have.

Many thanks and I look forward to hearing from you.

Regards Colin

12-11-2008, 08:41 PM
Hi All,

I just wanted to clarify things a bit more.

Here's my idea and where I'm coming from...

What I'm looking for is someone who is willing to:

i) Maintain a custom figures section on my website, which can be set up to take orders or private commissions. You would be responsible for maintaining the content but I would have editorial rights to the content.

My main focus is to provide a service to my visitors, not necessary to profit out of it. At the same time if I can help someone out during difficult times all the better.

What would I get out of it?

Hopefully satisfied customers, happy visitors and free content.

ii) Or a page/pages about you and your services and experience etc with a link to your site (with a reciprocal link back).

I believe option i) will be the best for all because:

It will provide my visitors with information on customizing.
the presence of more content will attract more traffic and hopefully more sales.
to give greater value.
to pre-sell your services
I'm open to any comments or suggestions to make this workable and a viable proposition for everyone concerned.


Just to make it clear, YOU will earn the money, not me.

I will act more as a "referral agent".