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new joes

03:38 PM 07-30-2010
Just saw the new gi joes at target wow they rduced the card sized but made the figs look amazing. Got snake eyes. storm shadow, and firefly (yes i kept it in the clan) the new figs are awesome they even had a metal chain on storm shadows weapons instead of a molded faux chain.only figs i didnt see were recondo, zartan and the jungle trooper, firefly seems on the short end but i can be wrong. So far so great hasbro keep it up!!!
09:50 AM 08-20-2010
Darth Shinobi
Yeah, I must say having picked up SE and SS myself that I am very impressed with the new line. The packaging looks to me WAY more G.I.Joe then the hack movie garb, and the fact that they dont all come with stupid spring loaded weapons is a BIG plus to me. I have a bag of like 40 something spring weapons form those figs.....:mad: SO glad to see those gone. Cant wait to find the exclusives out and about now.......
05:02 PM 08-27-2010
I'm really liking these as well. So far I"ve picked up Snake Eyes, Storm Shadow, BeachHead and an Alley Viper (my fave so far). Still need to snag a Firefly.