Batman Faces Off Against The Arkham Knight...
Kotobukiya is releasing this December two new ARTFX+ statues from the up coming video game, Batman: Arkham Knight. Each sold separately, these include 1/10th scale statues of Batman and his new adversary, the Arkham Knight.
A first for the ARTFX+ series, each Batman: Arkham Knight ARTFX+ Statue comes with a new modular base system that lets you customize your display with a wide range of options; you can have the hero/villain rushing over rooftops, breaking through a wall, or tackling the villain/hero! With multiple square and rectangular pieces to build up your display plus unique architectural elements and joint parts to hold them all together this set is all about building your own diorama base. Even better, you can really craft your own unique display by combining the Arkham Knightâs modular elements with those of his arch-rival Batman (each sold separately) and show off the two fighting in a rich and complex Gotham City environment (pictured top)!
Lastly, as a special bonus every bullet hole in the walls of the dioramas are approximately 4mm in diameter so you can also display Frame Arms model kits or Modeling Support Goods along with making it the perfect environmental display for other figures or ARTFX+ statues in your collection.
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