Variety Of Consumer Products Based On The Hit Anime/Manga Action Series...
VIZ Media, a premier company in the fields of publishing, animation distribution, and global entertainment licensing, continues to expand consumer product licenses for the hit anime/manga action property, ONE-PUNCH MAN.
The ONE-PUNCH MAN manga series has become one of the most popular graphic novel titles in North America and is regularly on literary bestseller lists such as the New York Times and Nielsen BookScan, while the anime counterpart is watched by millions of fans online.
VIZ Media will showcase ONE-PUNCH MAN among its extensive catalog of multimedia properties at the upcoming 2016 Licensing Expo in Las Vegas, NV. As the fan base for ONE-PUNCH MAN continues to expand across multiple key demographics throughout North America, the property will be well-supported by a diverse range of consumer products beginning later this year.
The new product partners cover a diverse array of consumer categories including apparel, lighting, collectible figures and bobble-heads, playmats and binders, and other personal accessories. Partners include Buckle Down, Just Funky, Just Toys, Rabbit Tanaka, Ultra PRO, and Zag Toys.
- Buckle Down: Belt Buckles
- Just Funky: Drink Wears and Accessories
- Just Toys: 2D Laser Cut Keychains, Trading Cards, Stickers&Sticker album, Dog Tags, Character Rings, Backpack Hangers etc.
- Rabbit Tanaka: LED Lights, Mirror Art Blocks, Wooden Wall Plaques
- Ultra PRO: Playmats, Deck Protectors, Deck Boxes, Binders, and Plush Holders.
- Zag Toys: Mini Figures, Mini Bubbleheads, Mini Wobbling Figures, Pencil Toppers, Plush Beanies, Domez
In ONE-PUNCH MAN, nothing about Saitama passes the eyeball test when it comes to superheroes, from his lifeless expression to his bald head to his unimpressive physique. However, this average-looking guy has a not-so-average problem – he just can’t seem to find an opponent strong enough to take on! Every time a promising villain appears, he beats the snot out of ’em with one punch! Can Saitama finally find an opponent who can go toe-to-toe with him and give his life some meaning? Or is he doomed to a life of super-powered boredom?
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