The Modern Incarnation of the Anti-Superman...
Kotobukiya continues their series of New 52 ARTFX+ Statues with the modern incarnation of the anti-Superman, Bizarro!
In the New 52 era of DC Comics Bizarro did not come from another planet or parallel dimension, but rather Lex Luthor’s laboratory where the supervillain scientist was attempting to clone the Man of Steel. The experiments did not go as planned, but when the Crime Syndicate took over the world Luthor was forced to seek an ally in the clone labeled “B-0” and subsequently called Bizarro. Though he possessed limited intelligence and a mutated form the clone had incredible superpowers, tremendous loyalty, and a noble spirit.
Sculpted by Ikkei Jitsukata, Bizarro stands just over 8 inches tall (1/10 scale) and like all ARTFX+ statues he has magnets in his feet for extra stability on his included display base.
Look for the DC Comics BIZARRO New 52 ARTFX+ Statue in November 2016 priced at $59.99.
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