Series continues where the film left off...
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Who'd have ever thought we'd be receiving a Total Recall comic book series 21 years after the movie debuted? It's kind of like Weird Science the TV series (although that was only 9 years after the fact). As reported to you last June (read our story HERE), Dynamite Entertainment is picking up where the classic Schwarzenegger sci-fi film left off and continuing the story with Totall Recall the comic.
Shipping this May, the series begins with the death of the Mars mining colony chief, Cohaagen, and the creation of an atmosphere for the planet. Douglas Quaid, the undercover agent known as Hauser, and the man responsible for releasing the colony from the grips of Cohaagen, simply wants to live happily ever after with Melina the woman of his dreams. But with Mars in chaos, new enemies invading the red planet, and a mysterious stranger in their midst, will Quaid have his happily ever after? Check out issue TOTAL RECALL #1 to find out.
"Being given the opportunity to create a sequel to one of the coolest action films of the 1990s was too great pass up," says first time comics writer Vincent S. Moore. "Resonating with one of the themes of the original movie, this is a dream come true and a great benefit for me. In order to fulfill my dream, I simply had to turn around and make the happy ending for Douglas Quaid on Mars into a new nightmare and show him to be the hero once again. It was easy and tons of fun. I threw everything I could think at Quaid, keeping with the flavor of the movie. I hope all of the readers enjoy the ride. My thanks to the folks at Dynamite for giving me this chance. And to all those fans of the original film, I hope you like what we came up with enough to give it a shot. Just remember: get your a**es to Mars!"
Source: Edited Dynamite PR