Sideshow Exclusive Includes Partially Revealed Peter Parker Head...
Sideshow provides a better look at their third release in the J. Scott Campbell Collection: Spider-Man. The Spider-Man Comiquette follows lady loves Mary Jane and Gwen Stacy and features everyone's favorite wallcrawler in a gravity-defying pose clinging to a defaced brick wall, never far from reminders of those who have come to depend on him.
In addition to his masked identity, the Exclusive J. Scott Campbell Spider-Man Comiquette will include a swap-out portrait, revealing the charming cornball smirk that could only belong to Peter Parker.
The Exclusive Spider-Man Comiquette will be available for pre-order this Thursday, September 19. Both the regular and exclusive versions will be priced at $299.99, with payment plans available for as low as $67.50/month.
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