The Autobots and Decepticons Graduate From High School...
Following last year's Transformers Kre-O Class of '84, Hasbro released at Comic-Con 2015 an exclusive Class of '85 ($59.95). Packaged to resemble a high school yearbook, the box is split between the dueling Autobot and Decepticon factions with unique art work on the front and back. Inside, the divide continues with the left side depicting our heroes and the right the villains. It's a wonderful packaging presentation, elevated by some hilarious "yearbook" titles. You have Autobot Seaspray the "Class Castaway", Omega Supreme "The Athlete" and Jetfire "The Brain", just to name a few.
The set contains 30 Kreon minifigures total along with some funny "Class of 1985 Artifacts". I love the Unicron Crunch cereal box and playful nod to Back to the Future with the Sports Almanac 1950-2000. Check out tons of new images of this exclusive Kre-O set by following the link below!
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