Wanda Wilson Joins the Line...
Kotobukiya's Marvel Bishoujo collection, bringing you new interpretations of familiar superheroes and villains, returns with a very unique character who’s part of the “Deadpool Corps,” Lady Deadpool! An alternate (and female!) version of the Merc with a Mouth from a parallel earth, Wanda Wilson shares the same healing factor, reflexes, arsenal of weaponry, and of course sense of humor that makes Deadpool so popular, not to mention his red and black costume on a feminine form.
The Lady Deadpool Bishoujo Statue comes with not one but two different interchangeable heads and hands for your choice of display options: the standard one wears the white-eyed Deadpool mask with her blonde hair in a long ponytail while the unmasked head features a beautiful, smiling Bishoujo-styled face with short hair and an alternate hand holding her mask!
Lady Deadpool stands 9 ½ inches tall (1/7 scale) on a specially designed display base. Look for her in February 2016 priced at $74.99.
To buy action figures, take a look at BigBadToyStore.com, TheToySource.com, Toynk.com, BriansToys.com, ToyWiz.com, MonkeyDepot.com, and EntertainmentEarth.com.
For hobby miniatures and all your gaming needs, visit MiniatureMarket.com.