Factory Entertainment's Final Exclusive Unveiled...
Factory Entertainment reveals their final exclusive item for this year's San Diego Comic-Con: the George R.R. Martin Deluxe Talking Plush Signature Edition.
Adorned in armor and wielding a battle-axe, George has never been more prepared to kill your favorite character!
The George R.R. Martin Deluxe Talking Plush features 12 audio quotes recorded exclusively for it by Mr. Martin himself and comes with a numbered limited edition collector card hand-signed by George. It will be available for purchase at Factory Entertainment's Booth #2647, July 8 – 12, 2015, priced at $60 and limited to only 500 pieces. For those that can't attend the show, pre-orders are being accepted at factoryent.com for shipping after Comic-Con.
To buy action figures, take a look at BigBadToyStore.com, TheToySource.com, Toynk.com, BriansToys.com, ToyWiz.com, MonkeyDepot.com, and EntertainmentEarth.com.
For hobby miniatures and all your gaming needs, visit MiniatureMarket.com.