The DC Comics Enchantress is Ready to Work Her Magic...
Continuing Kotobukiya's lineup of beautiful bishoujo-inspired statues combining the super heroines and villains of DC Comics with traditional Japanese stylings is a truly magical lady, the sorceress ZATANNA. Daughter of the famous stage magician Giovanni “John” Zatara, Zatanna debuted in 1964 as a powerful addition to the mystical side of the DC universe. In addition to performing on stage like her father, the skilled magician has worked with various versions of the Justice League, Sentinels of Magic, and more with her unique backwards-English spell casting. Zatanna appears in this brand new Japanese Bishoujo (pretty girl) styled statue based on original character art by world famous illustrator Shunya Yamashita.
Sculpted by Takaboku Busujima (Busujimax), Zatanna stands just under 10 inches tall (1/7 scale) on her specially designed display base. Whether displayed on her own or with other DC Comics Bishoujo statues on your shelf, this enchantress is ready to work her magic!
Look for Kotobukiya's Zatanna Bishoujo Statue this July priced at a SRP of $69.99.
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