As Seen in "The Force Awakens"...
Star Wars Collectibles ( presents an exclusive, made-to-order replica of Darth Vader’s Melted Helmet from Star Wars: The Force Awakens. The Sith Lord’s iconic helmet is precisely detailed in every way and appears virtually identical to the prop used in the film.
Priced at $3,500.00, the 3D-scanned, hand-finished helmet replica is limited to only 500 pieces.
- Created using the original 3D digital data from the actual prop featured in the film in combination with advanced digital manufacturing processes, and then hand-finished by a highly skilled artisan. The surface markings have been projected onto this helmet to identically recreate the texture pattern of the original.
- Includes a chip to authenticate the serial number that is printed on the Certificate of Authenticity
- Delivered in an exclusive, custom wooden crate inspired by the packaging used for the original prop
- Limited Edition of 500
- Certificate of Authenticity and Authenticity Medallion included
- Imported
- 53 L x 30 W x 45cm H
- This is not a toy. It is not meant to be worn as a costume, and does not contain any moving parts.
One crate per product. Actual crate may vary.
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