Millennium Mechagodzilla Armed and Dangerous...
First seen in 2002's Godzilla Against Mechagodzilla, Millennium Mechagodzilla or Kiryu will be the next entry in Bluefin/ Tamashii Nations S.H. MonsterArts series. Created to fight a new Godzilla menace, Kiryu's framework was built around the skeleton of the first, now deceased, Godzilla. Kiryu even features cloned Godzilla DNA in its quasi-organic control computers. Kiryu's armament includes an oral maser cannon, dual laser cannons on each arm and a flight pack that contains two forward firing rocket launchers and four batteries along its back and sides for launching guided missiles. Millennium Mechagodzilla's most devastating weapon is the Absolute Zero Cannon that is stored in its chest behind a trio of folding panels.
S.H. MonsterArts KIRYU is slated for release in October 2013.
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