Arriving September 13th...
Shout! Factory, in collaboration with Hasbro Studios, is releasing The TRANSFORMERS – THE MOVIE 30th Anniversary Edition this fall 2016. This beloved animated feature is being remastered, and a full-range of bonus content and collectible packaging are currently in production. Now, Shout! Factory further celebrates the 30th Anniversary of this iconic movie with The TRANSFORMERS – THE MOVIE Limited Edition, 30th Anniversary Steelbook (2-disc Blu-ray set + Digital Copy), available at Amazon and in stores at select retail locations on September 13, 2016. Featuring the heroic Autobots, as they defend their native planet Cybertron from the evil Decepticons and Unicron, The Transformers - The Movie boasts the voice talent of Orson Welles in his final role and an all-star voice cast that includes Peter Cullen, Eric Idle, Casey Kasem, Judd Nelson, Leonard Nimoy, Robert Stack and Frank Welker.
Take a first look at the Limited Edition, 30th Anniversary Steelbook packaging above.
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