Exclusive to Entertainment Earth...
Entertainment Earth has collaborated with Funko to release a series of Batman 75th Anniversary Rainbow Batman Pop! Vinyl Figures. Six exclusive figures will see release all based on Batman’s multi-colored costumes from Detective Comics Vol 1 #241, The Rainbow Batman. In The Rainbow Batman, Batman dons several different colored costumes to draw attention away from the injured Dick Grayson a.k.a. Robin.
The first figure being offered is the Yellow Batman Pop! Available at entertainmentearth.com, the figure is priced at $12.99 and is scheduled to arrive this March.
To buy action figures, take a look at BigBadToyStore.com, TheToySource.com, Toynk.com, BriansToys.com, ToyWiz.com, and MonkeyDepot.com.
For hobby miniatures and all your gaming needs, visit MiniatureMarket.com.