Celebrating the 40th Anniversary of the Canadian Superhero...
As the first of many celebrations for the 40th anniversary of Canada’s own Captain Canuck, Big B Enterprises in association with Captain Canuck Incorporated are pleased to announce the release of the Captain Canuck Mego action figures.
Crafted in the Classic Mego-style by Odeon and Mego Museum's Sam Noir, this Limited Edition collectable (MSRP $29.99 CDN), captures all the action and excitement that Captain Canuck has brought to fans for the last 40 years.
The figures are being introduced Saturday January 24, 2015 in comic book stores across Canada. These are all designated 'Official Captain Canuck Club Member' stores and many of them are celebrating with in-store artist signings. Hamilton's Big B Comics plays host to Captain Canuck Creator Richard Comely while Kalman Andrasofszky, writer and artist for the upcoming Captain Canuck Monthly will be appearing in Toronto's famous Silver Snail store. Both signings are from 12-3pm.
To buy action figures, take a look at BigBadToyStore.com, TheToySource.com, Toynk.com, BriansToys.com, ToyWiz.com, and MonkeyDepot.com.
For hobby miniatures and all your gaming needs, visit MiniatureMarket.com.