Plus an Update on Urzokk and New Weapons Pack...
From the moment the first two Mythic Legions Orc characters were revealed - Urzokk and Urkku - fans have been asking if they'd ever get the opportunity to get extra Orc figures in order to build armies. Well, now that time has come: Orc Deluxe Legion Builders have been unleashed.
These horrific hordes of the Mythic Legions realm are now available as add-ons and come as a single figure for only $22.00 with shipping included within the US, AND as a legion building set of six for only $115.00 with shipping included in the US.
Also, to compliment the legion building possibilities, the already revealed Urzokk figure has been given a newly painted head with warpaint. The original Urzokk head will be included as well so that backers can either use the head as an alternate head for Urzokk or use it to mix and match with pieces of Urkku and the Orc Legion Builder figures to create even more Orcs.
Also just unlocked is the Weapons Pack 2, which it consists of a mace, a halberd, and an Orc sword.
To find out more on the Four Horsemen's Mythic Legions Kickstarter and to place a pledge, visit: