Unique video game mecha unleashed...
Kotobukiya's LOST PLANET 2 Vital Suits are available for order through select fine retailers, such as BigBadToyStore.com.
For a great selection of video game action figures and collectibles, check out ToyWiz.com, PastGenerationToys.com, HobbyLinkJapan.com, and Sekaido.com.
For a great selection of video game t-shirts and apparel, check out TShirtGurus.com and 80sTees.com.
Kotobukiya announces that their new assortment of action figures based on the mecha seen in the video game LOST PLANET 2 are now shipping to retail. Called Vital Suits, these fully articulated mechanized war machines stand approximately 6 inches tall and feature interchangeable weapons. Units represented in this series include the GTF-11SR Drio SR and PTX-140 Hardballer Early Model (pictured above) and GTF-11 Drio and PTX-140R Hardballer R-Type (below). Each high-quality collectible retails for a SRP of $39.99.
For TONS of new images - over 180 in-hand photos - CLICK HERE! Stay tuned this Friday as we bring you an in-depth review on these exciting new mecha action figures.