Movies/TV/Games: BLU-RAY REVIEW: Disney's 101 Dalmations Diamond Edition

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    BLU-RAY REVIEW: Disney's 101 Dalmations Diamond Edition

    The Classic Animated Film Ready For A New Generation...

    One can't compared 1961's 101 Dalmatians to the modern, computer-animated films most children today enjoy. While animated films from then and now might share similar story structures, conflict, emotional turmoil and character development, today's films tend to run longer, explain more and attempt to commercialize each and every part of the stories which make them up. And while that's not all bad, there's something simpler, more enjoyable and easier to enjoy about yesteryear's animated classics, which simply sought to tell a story in a specific amount of time that would both entertain. For those who grew up some fifty years ago, this was experienced when 101 Dalmatians hit theaters. The film, which is relatively short at only 79 minutes, introduces a fun, timeless tale, set in London, where audiences find Roger (Ben Wright) and Anita Radcliffe (Lisa Davis) tending their two Dalmatians, Pongo (Rod Taylor) and Perdita (Cate Bauer). With a new litter of fifteen puppies, Pongo and Perdita have their work cut out for them. But, when the puppies disappear at the hands of Cruella De Vil (Betty Lou Gerson), an evil woman obsessed with fur, and her henchmen Horace (Frederick Worlock) and Jasper (J. Pat O'Malley), it's up to Pongo and Perdita - as well as their animal friends Colonel the sheepdog (again, J. Pat O'Malley), Sergeant Tibbs the cat (David Frankham), and Captain the horse (Thurl Ravenscroft) - to solve the crime and bring the bad guys - and gal - to justice!

    101 Dalmatians plays out like so many other classic crime stories, our heroes seeking to solve a crime through investigation, stealth and luck...all with an air of family-friendly fun thanks to our heroes - in this case - being dogs, a cat and a horse. While the story itself is somewhat simple, the most engaging and entertaining parts of the film feature development of the many fine characters, especially Pongo and Perdita's fifteen pups, who develop unique styles and personalities on screen. While maybe not as entertaining as other Disney classics (Peter Pan and Lady and the Tramp come to mind), there's something simple, fun and downright heartwarming about 101 Dalmatians that makes it one of the fun and funniest classic Disney movies. And it's impossible to forget our antagonist, Cruella De Vil, no doubt one of the scariest villains in all of Disney's long history.

    This Diamond Edition of the film features an impressive 1080p video transfer. Signs of aging - including graininess and background noise - have been removed. The film's soft yet eye-catching colors contrast one another onscreen and while there's some blurriness (due to the video clean-up transfer technique I believe?), there's really nothing to concern serious videophiles. Overall, video is as expected from a film that's over fifty years old.

    As far as audio, 101 Dalmatians features two options: a lossless DTS-HD Master Audio 7.1 surround track and a Dolby Digital Mono based on the film's original mix. The 7.1 audio walks a fine line between trying to accurately capture the film's original intentions and creating an entirely new experience; it works, but some purists might see this as an inaccurate portrayal of the film's original audio. That said, it works marvelously for fans who want a dynamic use of their home surround sound systems. Rear and side speaker support isn't boisterous or overwhelming and enhances the overall experience. For fans of modern animated films and their use of the full sound stage, this is the way to watch, listen and enjoy.

    The Diamond Edition set includes the film on Blu-ray, DVD and Digital Copy. Likewise, the set includes various special features, including a 9-minute "Lucky Dogs" featurette, which focuses on cast and crew reflecting on their experiences working on the film (which very well could have been Disney's last movie had it not been for cost cutting techniques used). Worth checking out for die-hard Disney fans looking for interesting back story, the featurette includes Disney Animation/Imagineering alum Rolly Crump, ink and paint artist Carmen Sanderson, animator Burny Mattinson, animator Floyd Norman and voice actress Lisa Davis. Another short featurette, the 5-minute "Dalmatians 101," features Cameron Boyce doing a run-down of interesting facts about the film while the 2-minute short film, "The Further Adventures of Thunderbolt," highlights the original, black and white TV animated dog Thunderbolt. Also included here is the tenth episode of the fourth season (from 1961) of the classic TV series "The Wonderful World of Disney;" this episode entitled "The Best Doggoned Dog in the World" and focused on - you guessed it - 101 Dalmatians.

    Other special features include DisneyView, which replaces the black bars on the sides of the film with Disney artwork; and a number of classic bonus features from previous home video releases of 101 Dalmatians. These include a variety of featurettes, including "Redefining the Line: The Making of 101 Dalmatians," which is made up of "Puppy Dog Tales" (5:33), "Howling at the Moon" (3:36), "New Tricks" (5:16), "Animation 101" (7:51), "Drawing All Cars" (4:12), "Seeing Spots" (5:45) and "A Dog's Eye View" (1:40). Other bonus features include a music video, various deleted or abandon songs as well as various movie trailers, TV commercials and radio spots. As with many of Disney's Diamond Editions, the plethora of bonus materials are abundant, impressive and enjoyable - especially for the die-hard Disney fan.

    Overall, while 101 Dalmatians might not be the classic that some other Disney films from the 1950s and 1960s are today, it's still a worthwhile and entertaining film that the whole family can enjoy. With engaging, well developed characters, an interesting crime solver plot and one of the most memorable villains in all of Disney film history, 101 Dalmatians shouldn't be missed.

    Be sure to check out a few of the bonus features from Disney's Diamond Edition of 101 Dalmatians below and pick up your own copy of this fun family film, on sale now wherever fine home video is sold!


    - Jess C. Horsley
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

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    "Until next time...have FUN with your figures!!"

    Jess C. Horsley

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