Kotobukiya: X-Force DEADPOOL Fine Art Statue


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    Oct 2001
    Fredericksburg, VA

    X-Force DEADPOOL Fine Art Statue

    The "Merc with a Mouth" is back...

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    Kotobukiya presents the second member of an all-new X-Force lineup of Fine Art Statues after the inaugural X-23, DEADPOOL. Formerly a member of the Weapon X program and assassin for hire, Wade Wilson now works on the side of good (for a price) in the pages of Uncanny X-Force.

    Based on the recently released Deadpool Fine Art Statue (stay tuned for our in-depth review!), the X-Force version really kicks thing up a notch. The mutant hero is posed in the midst of intense action, leaping over a bullet-ridden rooftop with a machine gun and katana at the ready. When working with the clandestine team Wade trades in his iconic red for a black and bluish-gray version of his skintight costume that still bears his usual assortment of goodies including the knife sheathed on his left ankle, various waist pouches, and a gun holstered on his right thigh.

    The X-Force Deadpool also comes with two different heads so you can display him according to your tastes; one is a re-colored version of his traditional oval-eyed mask while the other has more lines and piping like the comic's current artwork.

    Sculpted by Erick Sosa, Deadpool stands just under 12 inches tall (in 1/6th scale). The demented yet hilarious assassin is recreated in high quality cold cast resin and the rooftop base under his feet matches perfectly with those of the other X-Force Fine Art Statues.

    Available this June priced at a SRP of $174.99.

    Source: Edited Koto PR

    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	15603  

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