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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Fredericksburg, VA

    REVIEW: Symbiote Studios SKYRIM DRAGONBORN Symbiote

    Pint-Sized Hero For Your Elder Scrolls Fix...

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    When you spend MONTHS playing a video game, chances are good you're going to want some collectibles to commemorate the adventure. A game that good goes beyond being just an entertaining evening pastime. It becomes a meaningful life experience. Such is the case with The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, a game that captivated me with its realistic beauty, engaging fantasy setting and addictive game play. Skyrim was THE GAME of late 2011, a widely praised award-winning title that has generated hundreds of millions of dollars (US$620 million as of December 16, 2011). And yet... there are hardly any Skyrim collectibles. A cool dragon statue shipped with a deluxe copy of the game, but otherwise there's nothing out there...

    Imagine my surprise when I stumbled across this little fellow at New York Comic Con. Presenting the Skyrim Dragonborn Symbiote from Symbiote Studios. Measuring 3 inches tall, the Dragonborn Symbiote is more designer toy then hyper-real action figure, but it's a fun toy. A fun SKYRIM toy.

    Based on the appearance of the promotional hero character (seen in the TV ads, etc), the Dragonborn Symbiote features a removable horned helmet and comes dressed in studded leather armor. Also included is an axe and sword, the two mini weapons fitting in either of the figure's hands. Charming simplicty is the appeal of this figure, articulation minimal at only a rotating head and arms.

    Symbiote Studios is a small toy company, but they have big ideas. Where other collectible companies turned a blind eye to Skyrim, Symbiote took notice and delivered. Priced at $12.99, the Skyrim Dragonborn Symbiote is an affordable, fun little way to display your love of the game. Grab yours at

    Review and Photos by Jeff Saylor

    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	1skyrimFULL16.jpg 
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ID:	45001   Click image for larger version. 

Name:	1skyGEARUSE.jpg 
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Size:	79.2 KB 
ID:	45011   Click image for larger version. 

Name:	1skyrimFIGHT2.jpg 
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Size:	86.2 KB 
ID:	45021   Click image for larger version. 

Name:	1skyrimPACKUSE.jpg 
Views:	6373 
Size:	164.3 KB 
ID:	45031  
    Last edited by JeffSaylor; 10-30-2012 at 02:32 PM.

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